About Julia Scott
My name is Julia Scott, and I’m an experienced counsellor and trauma therapist, specialising in EMDR. I initially trained in the Safe and Sound Protocol in 2018, offering the programme predominantly to my EMDR clients, by way of preparation for processing traumatic memories. In these clients, I noticed a huge difference in their ability and willingness to engage in what can often be a demanding therapy.
Back in 2018, the SSP was being delivered using an mp3 player and headphones, which meant that I could only work with one client every two weeks, as I only had one set of equipment to rent out. Then along came COVID, and I did not feel comfortable renting out equipment for fear of spreading the bug. I decided to press pause on the Safe and Sound Protocol for the time being, hoping that a digital delivery would soon become available. That actually happened not long after I sent the equipment back to the USA. I decided, however, to stick with my decision, as my focus had shifted to moving my therapy practice over to online working and to pursuing an MSc in Psychology.
Fast forward to December 2023, and I finally had the capacity to revisit the SSP. I found that the training had been updated with new guidelines and lots of resources and support on offer, and that the SSP now offered 3 pathways, allowing for more flexibility in providing individualised plans. I am now really excited to offer the improved programme to new clients, and look forward to seeing a wider range of clients experience the full benefits.
Subject to assessment, I am now offering the SSP to adults who live with chronic pain, fatigue or illness, or who experience emotional dysregulation, sensory processing difficulties, eating difficulties, gut health problems and more.