Before booking the SSP, please indicate your informed consent by ticking the box at the end of these terms and conditions. You will then be taken to the booking page. Informed Consent I understand that the Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) is a listening programme with the potential to create meaningful, positive shifts in the autonomic nervous system, including in sensory, autonomic, physiological, emotional and cognitive domains. However, I understand that the programme comes with no guarantee of specific results. In addition, I understand that the SSP comes with the risk of complications which cannot always be predicted. I agree to notify my provider of changes I experience during the SSP, so that my provider can best support me. I understand that a temporary increase in arousal or symptoms may occur. Whilst these are usually a normal part of the process, they may sometimes indicate a need to adjust your personalised programme. I therefore agree to immediately notify my provider if I experience any of the following: Increased auditory or other sensory sensitivities Ear discomfort, pressure or “ringing” in the ears Emotional dysregulation (changes in arousal) Gastrointestinal discomfort Fatigue Headache I have had the opportunity to have my questions answered, understand the process for listening, and have access to the needed equipment. I understand that I may pause or discontinue listening at any time. Name * Name First First Last Last Email * Consent * I consent to using the SSP and accept all associated risks. Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.