Discover how stimulating your vagus nerve, responsible for regulating automatic bodily functions, can empower you to take charge of your well-being.
Anatomists were perplexed. How could the vagus nerve, originating in the brainstem as a single nerve, extend so extensively and connect to numerous organs? What functions could it possibly influence? With such a wide range of potential roles, what consequences might arise from injury or severance of this nerve?
This informative handbook equips you with everything necessary to comprehend and nurture your vagus nerve – the system responsible for rest, digestion, and recovery. Dr. Navaz Habib, the author, presents straightforward yet effective techniques to address various health issues, such as inflammation, gut sensitivity, and mental fog, all stemming from vagus nerve dysfunction. He outlines simple daily and weekly routines to aid in healing, including:
- Breathing Exercises
- Mindfulness Practices
- Strategies for Digestive Health
- Functional Medicine Assessments
- Acupuncture and Massage
- And more
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