Since Stephen Porges first proposed the Polyvagal Theory in 1994, its fundamental concept—that our sense of safety significantly influences our well-being—has dramatically shaped how researchers and clinicians approach trauma interventions and therapeutic interactions. However, despite its widespread acceptance, much of the literature on the topic remains obscured by clinical language and scientific jargon.
“Our Polyvagal World” offers a definitive guide to understanding Polyvagal Theory in a way that is accessible to all. It demonstrates how its practical principles can be applied by anyone seeking to live their safest, healthiest, and happiest life. What emerges is a worldview filled with optimism and hope, providing insight into why our bodies sometimes react in ways that our minds may not understand.
Filled with actionable advice and real-life examples, this book will revolutionize your understanding of the brain, body, and the ability to maintain calmness in an increasingly stressful world.
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